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  • Writer's pictureSonja Kirschner

Show me love, dear self - It’s all about the sync

Nina and I in NYC, January 2020

Finding confidence to rely on your strengths and to honor your values is a huge opportunity that feedback holds for us. This week’s module at my Executive Education Women’s Leadership Program at Yale School of Management is all about feedback. And it couldn’t connect better to the “Show me love, dear self” conversation I recently had with my friend, Nina Brandt. In the middle of our conversation she mentions that when we receive positive feedback it’s often about situations when we act in sync with what’s important to us, that these are the situations we feel really confident and that this kind of feedback then helps us do it all again.

If you’re curious how self-confidence and honoring your values, specifically the “umbrella value” of authenticity brings out the best in you and how feedback can help you to find that confidence watch our 20min conversation. I’m especially inspired by Nina’s conclusion of how it all connects: values, emotions and confidence and how she sometimes just sits with herself in her own sounding board. To me that’s the best version of self-love: grounding yourself by listening to and having an inner conversation with yourself about the real important things. And in some way that’s a form of feedback, too, right?

Thank you so much, Nina! You’re an inspiration.

“Show me love, dear self” is a conversation series by double human. Because work and life is smoother with a little more self-love.

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