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The future depends entirely on what each of us does
- every day.



Why team coaching?

To move in the right direction, the directions needs to be clear first. And often the work starts here and ideally gets everyone involved with their heads, hearts AND hands.


What we create together? 

Becoming a team is a journey and nothing that's done over night. Embarking together on this journey means that the 
group as a whole is in focus. Everyone who should be heard will be heard - inside and beyond the actual
team structure.


Together we will work on building

  •  a vision and strategy

  • a shared purpose and values

  • team goals and tasks

  • relevant content and learning as needed

  • a plan towards achieving the goals

  • defined and clear team roles

  • collaboration strategies and tactics


How we work together

Here is how Sonja helps your team to become a true one and succeed as one:​

  • Kick-off with the team leader to identify goals and connect with the organization’s strategy

  • Individual interviews with the leader, each team member and other stakeholders to understand where they are, who they are and what their ideas of the What and the How of the work are

  • Getting to know each other better

  • Clarifying mutual expectations

  • Trust building and/or enhancement

  • Training and facilitation as needed

  • Planning and commitments

  • Support of change management

  • Follow-up as needed


together ONE - team coaching


​-- Gloria Steinem

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