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The future turns out to be something you make instead of find.
-- Lewis Lapham 

double human tailors towards your company's future. 

Smiling Businessman

Executive & Leadership Coaching

We work with leaders in a holistic way to unlock their full potential. Focus areas are leadership transitions & new leader onboarding, purpose & value-driven leadership, prioritization, communication, leading change & transformation, dealing with high-stress and gaining emotional intelligence. lead HUMAN

Woman Artist

Women in Leadership

Together we tap into the talent of female leaders and let's them experience that being fierce AND kind are not mutually exclusive but only two of their many superpowers. lead LIKE A WOMAN


Expat Coaching

Working and living in another country is rewarding and challenging at the same time. Together we make this a great start for you and your loved ones. You're  the captains navigating the unknown with heart and courage! arrive & ACHIEVE

On a Video Call

Leadership & Talent Assessment

Image by Hannah Busing

Team Coaching &
New Leader Onboarding

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

-- Aristotle?

There is controversy if Aristotle really said it that way. 
But it's a fact that teams are more successful if they work together towards a shared purpose and common goals. 

Let them define their core and become one! together ONE

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