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The smell that fills the entire house, the cracking sounds of contained energy right after you get it out of the oven whispering “Everything will be alright”, the first bite of a still warm nourishing slice: that’s just a small selection of what baking bread holds for me.


Almost four years ago, during the tough and challenging first months of the COVID pandemic I started baking bread. For many reasons: because we were home a lot with little access to fresh bread, because I missed my home, Germany, where the sourdough recipe I use comes from and efficiency reasons as well - because baking bread meant that at least one dinner per week (and several lunches & breakfasts) were taken care of. 


Besides the many learnings around the bread itself this process held so many teachable moments for me: I learned a whole lot about myself, my emotions during challenging times and about my capabilities of designing life and new beginnings in an intentional, creative and positive way.



With BREAD & BETTER® I want to share an opportunity of personal and team development with you.


Here is what’s in for you / your team: In a virtual set-up BREAD & BETTER® combines the bread making process from scratch to finish with elements of coaching to:


  • teach you  / your team to make a sourdough starter and spark ideas on how to design your life and work (session 1 / 30 min time invest)

  • show you / your team how to nourish the starter and along with it our strengths (session 2 / 15-30 min time invest)

  • have a look at what might be missing - in the starter and in our life, job, team set-up or organization (session 3 / 15-30 min time invest)

  • bring attention to what’s going on with the starter and what we need to be amazing (session 4 / 15-30 min time invest)

  • give the starter and yourself / your team some rest and time to grow (two weeks or more); one check-in in between to feed the starter and us some inspiration (session 5 / 15min time invest)

  • help you / your team create a sourdough using the starter and tickle creativity and intuition (session 6 / 30 min)

  • guide you / your team through the day of baking the first bread including lots of stretching and folding for both, the dough and our minds and spirits (session 7 / half day on and off; with option to share reflexion findings in 1:1 and/or couple coaching with me).


What else: A BREAD & BETTER® Senses Book with recipes, shopping list, space to capture notes and a membership in a virtual peer group to inspire,
ask questions to and nourish each other is included.


BREAD & BETTER® open enrollment dates below. It can be held as an event series for an existing team or to bring people from multiple places across your organization together.

BREAD & BETTER® is available in German and English. 

Anyone from around the world can join. If you're interested please reach out through the contact form. 

Flexible scheduling for teams and organizations.



Let’s bake bread and happiness together!


Men can starve from a lack of self-realization as much as they can from a lack of bread.

Richard Wright



The idea of thinking about more than the everyday things in a safe group environment and learning a new craft quickly convinced me. The short BREAD & BETTER sessions were easy to integrate into my busy schedule and Sonja's questions sparked some new thoughts and ideas for me. After just a couple of weeks we were able to enjoy our first homemade sourdough bread. Besides the baking and group coaching I enjoyed expanding my network and meeting new people. Many thanks Sonja!

Melanie S., participant 2021


2024 Open Enrollment Class
in English*


Fri Jan 19 5;00pm ET

Sat Jan 20 11:00am ET

Sun 21 5:00pm ET

Mon Jan 22 8:00pm ET

Mon Jan 29 12:00pm ET

Sat Feb 17 3:00pm ET

Sun Feb 18 from 9:00am ET


* all times except 2/18 are flexible and will be adjusted and confirmed as need with the group


Investment​  Open Enrollment


$350 p.P. for all seven sessions

incl. one 1:1 coaching


On August 2, 2022 BREAD & BETTER® registered as a US trademark being the first program that combines bread baking and coaching. I'm over the moon! XOXO Sonja


Congratulations on your registered trademark! 
The name is only the label of a very special platform, which YOU transport with every get-together, Sonja. You offer us insightful fundamentals and creative ideas, you facilitate our group with great experience and gently pass the ball between us so that we can engage with each other, dive into the experience and take the first developmental steps. Thank you very much!

Anika S. from Germany


double human LLC - Coaching & Consulting

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