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WINTER WEDNESDAY WISDOM WALKS  take us away from our desks, in winter in the middle of the week.


On Wednesdays we walk. We recharge. We fill our own cups so that we can pour for others again. 


The Experience​​

  • Meet-up with a group of wonderful humans who are connected with double human

  • Go on a hike 

  • Connect to nature

  • Take deep breaths

  • Feel your body moving

  • Reflect on coaching impulses Sonja provides

  • Come back full of  new perspectives, inspiration and energy

  • Drive home with a big smile on your face



  • For whom is this?
    Hikes are walkable for everyone. All you need to able to is walk 3-5 miles in your hiking boots. 

  • Where dos this take place?
    Somewhere in the Tri State - trails are picked on a weekly basis

  • Can we go on a Saturday or Sunday?
    No. We want you to put yourself first and set an intention. This starts with freeing up one day.

  • What does it cost?
    Nothing. It's free of charge.

  • Can I bring a friend?
    Yes, always.

  • Can I bring my kids?
    No. We at double human LOVE kids but this day is for you.


Still questions? Want to register? Reach out through the contact form. Let's walk together.

double human LLC - Coaching & Consulting

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