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​WHOLE means looking at organizations, teams,  individuals and their relationships in a holistic and balanced way. It means finding fulfillment through completion and execution. It means having the entire person or group with their capabilities, values, emotions, purpose, strategy, relationships, resources and actions in mind.
All that is entirely HUMAN and WHOLE.

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At double human we coach leaders, couples and people. 
  • Our corporate clients range from C-suite members, senior executives, early-career leaders, high-potentials, to top specialists and scientists across Fortune 500, German DAX 40 and small and mid-sized, often family-run companies and organizations.

  • Many of the couples we work with stem from corporate and institutional backgrounds and are on international assignments as expats. 

  • Anyone who wants to make a change in their life, career, leadership and/or relationship and seeks support along the way profits from our coaching. We help people fulfill their dreams and achieves their biggest goals.

Why should you invest?

Confetti Storm


Because we all want joy: "People intrinsically seek joy. And joy connects people more powerfully than almost any other human experience. [...]
In any team environment, joy arises from a combination of harmony, impact, and acknowledgment — all of which business leaders can engender in their organizations"
(HBR, July 2019). 


At double human we believe that people are naturally creative, resourceful and whole (Co-Active Coaching Model). Our coaching and consulting approach empowers your and/or your people to achieve the impact and results you wish for. Through fun and enjoyment: Because people are good at what they love!

Toy Plane


Because "In a culture obsessed with measuring talent and ability, we often overlook the important role of inspiration" (HBR, November 2008). Inspiring people is by no means a voodoo practice. It is key in coaching as inspired people have a stronger drive to master their work, are more intrinsically motivated and report higher levels of important psychological resources such as belief in their own abilities, self-esteem and optimism.


In our coaching we activate inspiration resulting in major effects on important work, life and growth outcomes.



Because "Execution Is a People Problem, Not a Strategy Problem" (HBR, August 2017) which is true for individuals and for organizations. You can have the greatest strategy and game plan but just having it in place does not get the job done. "To deliver stellar results, people need to be hyperaligned and laser-focused on the highest-impact actions" and that is not a given, not even in well-run organizations. 


Our coaching and consulting approach helps you 1) define a plan and then 2) move it to focused actions and measurable results.

Red Lips


Because everyone loves a good KISS - as in "Keep It Small and Simple": "Clear, practical language and models, rather than complex acronyms and jargon-filled texts make training methodologies accessible and more likely to create lasting organizational change" (T. Menatian, 2016)


Clients tell us that clarity and authenticity are some of our most important key attributes. We hear that we are good KISSers.

Magnifying Glass


Because "one size fits all" does not work: "Deep personalization, in which the coach seeks to understand the coachee’s personal values and goals in a holistic way, is equally vital. As good coaching is fundamentally a quality conversation based in trust, it follows that authentic, individualized coaching is vital to cultivating genuine organizational change and personal development." (T. Menatian, 2016). 


The beliefe in the uniqueness of our clients puts you at the center of everything we do. Listening to you, understanding your situation and putting your strengths first gives us joy and like a chef taking pride in their secret sauce we take pride in calling the focus on you and your potential our signature dish.

Katharina D., PhD, HR Professional

“Talking to Sonja made me feel so secure. I left our conversations with this "I got this" feeling and then I did it."

double human LLC - Coaching & Consulting

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